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3M is one of the leading multinational conglomerate corporations operating in the field making products that are known to be high quality. They have ensured that each product they produce is specially made to ensure the durability and efficiency guaranteed to last longer.
3M 1 1/2" SOFT ROLOC DISC PAD (8-45098) The bristle items are held in place by a disc pad. It provides a reliable backup system as well as a secure grinding attachment. It also saves time by eliminating the need to align the disc's edges with the disc pad; instead, the disc is aligned by the screw, allowing for quick and easy disc swaps.
These disc pads were designed to work with any drill, disc sander, right angle grinder, or rotary sander. The size and stiffness of the disc and disc pad affect the maximum RPM. 3Ms Disc Pad is compatible with attachment methods R, TP, and TS Roloc.
Key Features:
Rubber back-up pads. Pads are female threaded.